
© manoa

enjoy being alone.

Enjoying being alone makes life more comfortable.

We want to create a world where women can live more freely and as themselves.

In a full life,
Time with someone is important, but time alone is also important.

manoa creates a rich lifestyle for women who enjoy alone time,
Instead of "instant happiness = Happiness,"
We will deliver "sustained happiness = well-being."



Live as yourself. root for.

We live in a modern world full of things and information, pressed for time and prone to losing sight of ourselves when we suddenly realize it.
How do you live in such a world without forgetting your identity and feeling happy from the bottom of your heart?

Marriage hunting, marriage, pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, child rearing, menopause ・・・
Women have to make decisions amid many life events.
There are times when physical restrictions apply.
The key is to know your body and how to care for it.
Above all, have a core that is not shaken by public voices and common sense.

manoa, from the arbitrary rigidity of "this is how women should be"
We offer support in a variety of approaches to liberate you.

Business contents

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    Sales and production of self-pleasure items

    With the concept of fitting naturally into your lifestyle
    Management of najimu a boutique with self-pleasure items selected from a female perspective
    Planning and selling original self-pleasure items developed in collaboration with talent and influencers

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    Seminar training to support the resolution of women's unique health challenges

    Aiming for a society in which working women can play an active role
    Training on women's health and holding seminars with experts engaged in femtech
    Provision of self-care programs and online consultation services by obstetricians, gynecologists, etc.

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    Discussing women's unique health challenges

    Aiming to help create an environment where people can live in their own way
    Management of a femtalk community where people can discuss their mental and physical concerns online